Next stop: HomeGoods. I went here searching for bedding for the twin sized guest bed we keep in this room. I knew I wanted one pillow for the bed that would tie everything together, and low and behold Ralph Lauren came through for me. I found the striped, kilim-inspired pillow on sale there as well as a cheap neutral to just add some height since the bed doesn't have a headboard. Once I found the pillow, it was easy to choose a solid brown coverlet and crimson sheets.
See, crimson was necessary in the room so that we could hang Scott's Ph.D. diploma from the University of Oklahoma. It's just not an office without a diploma on the wall. The other two pieces of art are photos from a calendar that I Mod Podged onto some art canvases. First, I spray painted the sides of the canvases black so they looked finished and then just glued the photos on. If you ever do this, do NOT freak out like I did when the calendar ripples. I freaked out and ended up creasing the paper. I really think if I had just left it alone to dry it would have been much smoother.
So what's left?
- find a side table for the bed. We just need something small where we can set a glass of water and a book for guests. I think guests would also want a table for a cell phone or alarm clock so they don't feel weird about using Scott's work desk.
- fabric on the roller shades. I have one chosen, I think. I just need to determine how many yards I need and the best way to attach the fabric. I think this will really add another lay of texture and warmth and make everything look more finished. Not to mention that Scott has discovered that on really bright days, these shades do basically nothing for the blinding light on the south side of the house.
- fabric to cover the lampshades. There are 2 lampshades in the room. I haven't decided if they will match or not. I guess it depends on which fabric I choose.
- paint/refinish the bookcase
- accessorize as necessary. Always the most fun, and for me, the most challenging part of a room. I know I'd like a throw or some sort of patterned blanket on the end of the bed. And probably nifty objects on the bookcase and side table, too.
Have any of you combined an at-home office with a guest room? Any essentials I'm missing? What do you think about matching lampshades?
I haven't combined a guest room with an office, but living in a studio apartment definitely has its challenges when it comes to accommodating guests! Last year I purchased a luggage stand from Bed Bath and Beyond for around $30 that I leave in a closet and bring out for guests. Its the kind you find in hotels to set your suitcase on. It is SO HELPFUL to them to have a place to put their luggage that isn't on the floor! Ballard has some really beautiful luggage stands that are faux bamboo, but they are about $70 or $80 I think. Anyway, I love mine and would highly recommend getting one for guests!
Now I'm really wishing I had grabbed the 2 I saw at a little antique store a couple of months ago. I think they were $20 each! and I bet he would have negotiated if I took 2! Dang!
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